[english version below pictures]
Continui seria destinatiilor alternative astfel ca dupa Chernobil si zona de alienare va prezint Koreea de nord , printre ultimele tari comuniste totalitare. Aici puteti experimenta cum au trait parintii nostri pe vremea lui Ceausescu. Spre deosebire de noi la oamenii aia nu a avut loc nici o revolutie iar tara a ramas fix cum era Romania inainte de ’89. Adica presedintele lor Kim Jong Il e un fel de zeu care le stie pe toate , poza lui fiind in toate casele , strazile , licee , insitutii publice etc (asa ca raposatu) , poti vedea cum oamenii aia nu acces la nici un fel de distractie occidentala , poti vedea alimentare cu rafturi goale , poti vedea orase intregi cu strazile goale la anumite ore cand tara e la munca , nu ca ar avea prea multe masini ca de trebuie sa se inscrie de la nastere pentru una, arhitectura comunista in toata frumusetea ei ..de data asta fara cladiri noi in spate.
Tururi organizate se fac prin tara intrarea si sosirea fiind numai prin capitala Pyongyang , aeroportul de acolo fiind cam singurul care accepta curse straine. Pe siteuri ca www.newkoreatours.com sunt specificate toate cerintele si conditiile necesare obtinerii vizei de turist , de asemenea sunt date sfaturi practice pentru turisti , acestia fiind foarte restransi la zonele pre amenajate , neavand voie sa te plimbi prin oras cum te taie capul asa ca nu cumva sa vezi prea mult. In timpul tururilor contactul cu populatia de rand este de asemenea foarte restrictionat in schimb vei fi tot timpul tratat cu zambete , cantece si dansuri in numele marelui conducator , deasemenea este total interzis sa dai valuta , sau alte cadouri ghidului , soferului de autobuz , etc (nu de alta da ii semnezi moartea acelui sofer ,ghid) , in schimb poti sa iti imparti tigarile occidentale din pachet cu ei. Vei vedea si tu cum era sa fii turist strain in Mamaia , dar de data asta din perspectiva turistului , adica tu stai pe plaja mananci inghetata , bei cola si bagi in tine bunatati in timp ce dupa gard se uita cineva la tine si se intreaba ce gust or avea toate alea.
El presidente
hotelul megalamanial al presedintelui , care e printre cele mai inalte din lume si in constructie de vreo 20 de ani
memorial palace and parlament (see the similarity with the house of the people in Bucharest?)
Continuing the series of alternative destinations , after Chernobil I present you North Korea , one of the last communist countries with a totalitarian regime. Here you can experiment how our parents lived (if you are from an ex communist country). Unlike our country here there never was a revolution and these people are stuck in the same situation like Romania was before 1989. So the president Kim Jong Il is like a sort of demigod , all knowing and all seeing , his picture being in every house , every school and public institution , you can see how people have no concept of western fun , you can also see markets with empty counters and stalls and of course cities with empty streets in the middle of the day when everybody is sent to work , not that they have to much money since you have to register you’re new borne baby to get one when he reaches 18 years all this in the communist architecture ambient , only this time without the mixture of capitalism in the background.
Organized tours are available on sites like www.newkoreatours.com and all tours start and end in Pyongyang , the airport there being the only access point for foreigners. On the site there is a section which describes the conditions and requirments in order to get the tourist visa and there are also practical tips for tourists , since they are confined to the tours , you are not allowed to wonder trough the city on you’re own (because you might something that you’re not supposed to). During the tours contact with the regular population is also very restricted , you might have a bad influence on the way they see the great leader 🙂 , but you will however always be greeted with smiles , songs and dances cheering the great leader. Also it is forbidden to give foreign money to the guide , bus driver or any kind of gifts (since that guide will go to jail for that) , you can however share some of you’re cigaretees with them. You will finally experience how it feels to be a foreign tourist in a communist country and this time from the good side , this time you will sit on the beach eating ice cream , drinking cola and eating great food while across the fence some kids stare at you thinking how those things taste.
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