[Cum caut casa de inchiriat in Anglia UK? Articol in Limba Romana AICI] “I’m looking for a house to rent”, “I’m looking for a flat to rent” – these are by far the most common posts on Romanian fb groups in England / UK. I’ve always wondered why these people never
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Cum caut casa de inchiriat in Anglia UK
[How to find a house to rent in England – UK – English article here] “Caut casa de inchiriat”, “caut flat de inchiriat” – acestea sunt de departe mesajele cele mai des intalnite pe grupurile de Romani din Anglia / UK. Intotdeauna m-am intrebat de ce acesti oameni nu se
Continue readingThe Romanians that Left the UK for Romania – What do they say? Is it better home or Will they come back?
[CE ZIC CEI INTORSI DIN ANGLIA IN ROMANIA? E MAI BINE ACASA IN TARA TA? – RO Articol] In the previous article, I asked the Romanians from Great Britain UK about their life here – about Brexit and if it’s worth coming to the UK now, officially in 2021 there
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Oficial in 2021 suntem aproape un milion de Romani in Anglia si UK (si neoficial mult peste), veniti nu doar din Romania, multi chiar din Spania sau Italia. M-am gandit ca ar fi corect sa ii intreb si pe cei care zic ca e mai buna viata totusi acasa in
Continue readingHow much does a house cost in England? London & South vs North
I’ve noticed lately more and more Romanians in England are pushing hard to get their own house. And why not? Why pay rent to a landlord, when you can put that money in to monthly payments for your own house, investing in your own future. You’re giving away this money
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How much does a house cost in England? London & South vs the North – ENGLISH Article here Desi unii Romani au ales sa se intoarca in tara (vedeti aici povestile celor intorsi din Anglia in Romania), am observat ca multi Romani in Anglia trag tare sa isi ia casa
Continue readingHow to change your EU driving license to a UK Driving license
For EU expats established in England UK, the act of changing their driving license in to an English or British one, is often a mandatory step due to work requirements. Possession of a British UK driving license is also the first and easiest way to obtain proof of residence with
Continue readingCum se schimba permis de conducere Romanesc in permis de Anglia UK
How to change your EU driving license to a British UK driving license – english article here Pentru cei stabiliti in Anglia UK, actiunea de a schimba permis de conducere Romanesc in cel Englezesc sau Britanic este deseori un pas obligatoriu datorita cerintelor de munca. De asemenea posesia unui permis
Continue readingHow are taxes and salaries in Romania compared to the west?
How do taxes in Romania compare with those in the West, is it true that we pay more and earn less than those in France, UK or Germany? Let’s see:
Continue readingCum se compara taxele si salariile in Romania cu cele din vest?
How are taxes and salaries in Romania compared to the West? ENGLISH Article HERE Cum se compara taxele si salariile din Romania cu cele din Vest, e adevarat ca platim mai mult si castigam mai putin? Haideti sa vedem: –Anglia, Marea Britanie salariul mediu anual 31300£ (37250€). Primii 12570£ castigati
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