[English version below photos]
Primul trip pe 2014 la munte a fost unul reusit. Desi nu am mai prins iarna acasa de ceva ani , nu pot sa zic ca imi era dor , frigul si dificultatile practice care le creaza zapada nu sunt chiar plusuri. Am plecat cu un tren direct Constanta Brasov , si recunosc ca am mers super lejer si surprinzator am ajuns si la timp. Brasovul a ramas la fel de frumos si curat , dar fiind in Romania se vede oricat ar incerca sa ascunda. La gara , cand te duci la taxiuri te intampina frumos baietii cu tarife triple la taxi , atmosfera din zona garii este tipica tarii noastre cu tot felul de personaje dubioase colorate, poate nu la fel de grava si nesigura ca in Constanta dar oricum.
Urcati intr-un taxi normal am ajuns rapid in Piata Sfatului (cursa nu are cum sa depaseasca 8 lei de la gara) , in piata forfota mare de oameni , turisti de diferite natii , temperatura undeva la -1 grade , dar asta nu ii impiedica pe oameni sa stea afara la terase impreuna cu soarele , mai ales ca nu batea vantul. In schimb baietii nesimtiti de la Radio Zu , au trantit fix in mijlocul pietei un scris cu I LOVE RADIO ZU , din litere albastre mai mari ca oamenii , care pur si
simplu iti strica orice poza facuta in piata din orice unghi….. felicitari RADIO ZU sunteti niste tarani!
Dupa ce am lasat bagajele la vila unde am revenit cu drag pentru a treia oara am fugit repede in Poiana Brasov. Daca jos in oras zapada se cam topise , sus pe partie era ok , numai buna de schiat. O pereche de schiuri se inchiriaza de la magazinele din zona cu 40 de lei pentru toata ziua , iar daca vreti si aveti experienta necesara va puteti da mai din varf , urcand cu teleschiul care costa undeva la 25 de lei 5 urcari. Nemai schiind de mult timp am ramas mai la baza partiei , desi dupa 3 ore de schi si cateva curse de viteza care iti baga adrenalina in sange m-as fi urcat si eu sus. De sus din Poaiana se poate lua si telecabina care urca pana sus la varful Postavarul , care desi are doar 1800 de metri inaltime ofera niste privelisti pur si simplu magnifice asupra orasului Brasov si restul localitatilor din zona si de pe valea Prahovei , in fundal zarinduse alte creste de munti. Am avut norocul ca am prins o zi fara ceata sau nori , altfel privelistea nu va depasi mai mult de cateva sute de metri de sus. Telecabina costa cam 35 de lei pentru urcare/coborare , dar am vazut ca majoritatea lumii ia doar pentru urcat , coborand cu schiurile sau cu snowboardul de sus pe partiile speciale ….niceeeeee. Tarifele variaza , se pot lua cartele cu puncte , puncte care se pot folosi in sistemul integrat al statiunii atat la telecabina cat si la teleschi si telegondola.
Satui de schi , am fost la faimosul restaurant Sura Dacilor , unde sa fiu sincer am ramas cu un gust amar , mancarea bunicica , carnea de vanat era ok , dar servirea si preturile bomba nu prea merita. Bonus: dau buzna in restaurantul elegant din cand in cand cersetori…..aa si am gustat carne de urs 😀
Seara inapoi in oras , am luat la pas oprind in cat mai multe cluburi si baruri posibil , observ ca sunt multe localuri in Brasov unde baga muzica veche , printre care si Studio 80 , New Oldies si multe altele , sincer nu ma atrage deloc muzica asta dar atmosfera dinauntru face sa merite , desi cam ciudat sa vezi femei de varsta lu mama dansand prin club 🙂 Sunt multe localuri in orasul asta , pentru toate gusturile , varstele si buzunarele , si e frumos sa iesi dintrun loc si sa intri pe urmatorul gang in alt loc ori intr-un subsol cu tavan in arc , ori la etaj pe o scara pe veche. La 4 dimineata pur si simplu nu iti vine sa crezi cata lume e pe strada cutreierand intre localuri. Din pacate o mare parte din acea lume fac parte din jumatatea de neam prost al nostru , astfel ca se aud multe replici copioase , afli ca la Mcdonald noaptea pe gemuletul unde iti primesti comanda are loc si o persoana impinsa din spate pentru a se servi singur , care dupa iese pe usa incuiata (super tare faza :)))))) ) In localurile de fite pur si simplu nu poti face diferenta cu alte orase , aceasi cocalari si fetite dragute (aka pitipoance pardon) care umbla dupa bani , inafara de una care l-a luat pe fotograful de la city nights de gat , aia era clar din dragoste 🙂 , dar din fericire exista si multe localuri normale , unde poti sa te bagi in seama lejer cu lumea si unde te poti simti ok. Se pare ca serile de joi si vineri sunt mult mai potrivite pentru iesit , tineretul si localnicii se simt mult mai bine decat Sambata seara cand se umple de turisti , cocalari si aparent de gay prin oras , in mai toate localurile aparand fenomenul de “Sausage party” sambata.
Din pacate spre sfarsitul weekendului cam toata zapada s-a dus , pana si pe partie unde se reinnoieste cu tunuri se crease o floscaiala asa , unde inca se mai chinuia lumea sa se dea cu sania sau cu colacul. Si ca orice trip in Romania nu au lipsit partile rele , nevrand sa asteptam trenul de seara am optat pentru varianta cu autocarul pana la Bucuresti , pentru a obtine o conexiune mai rapida de acolo. Fiind cu restante mari la somn in ultimele 3 zile am atipit instant cand ne-am pus in autocar , trezindu-ma dupa vreo 2 ore ca sa aflu cu stupoare ca eram abia la Azuga , in fata fiind o coloana interminabila de masini , si acea coloana se oprea la fiecare babuta care trecea strada sau vreun destept care facea stanga, politia rutiera lipsind cu desavarsire din peisaj. Stand in trafic mai vedeam pe langa cate un tren cum zbura pe langa noi si muream de oftica. Ajunsi cu greu la bucuresti dupa 3 ore jumate si cu picioarele amortite (nu a fost nici o oprire pe drum) , am hotarat sa luam trenul spre Constanta , acelasi tren care intentionam sa il luam de prima data din Brasov dar pleca tarziu , tanti de la casa de bilete CFR foarte amabila a omis sa ne spuna ca trenul care vine dinspre Brasov si isi continua drumul spre Brasov are o mica intarziere de 65 de minute pentru ca “a avut o defectiune pe drum si lau tras pe dreapta la Busteni o ora asa” , detalii nesegnificative la noi aparent. Oricum diferenta de atmosfera a fost significativa cand am ajuns inapoi la Constanta unde am fost intampinati de scandaluri , imvitatii de taxi cu preturi triple , claxoane , diferite etnii in fata garii , dar sa zicem una peste alta un trip reusit , cam scurt dar frumos , abia il astept pe urmatorul :D.
Vezi alte calatorii / other trips : Brasov 02.2014 , Istanbul 01.2014 , Cluj Napoca 08.2013 , Sibiu 07.2013 , San Pedro , Bucharest 2013 , Varna 2012 , Los Angeles 2012 , Budapest & Viena , Salerno , Cluj Napoca 2012 , Firenze , Brasov 02.2012 , Amsterdam , Antofagasta , Valencia , Lima , Bremen , Istanbul 2009 , Valletta , San Juan , Barcelona , Singapore 2010 , Los Angeles 2010 , Transilvania road trip , La Spezia , Bosphor by ship , Sydney , Melborune , Auckland , San Francisco , Tauranga
Alternative tourism: Georgia , Burning gate of Turkmenistan , North Korea , Chernobyl , Nouadhibou graveyard
In cealalta jumatate / How the other half lives : Guayaquil , Lagos
[click for big]
First trip to the mountains in 2014 was successful . Although I did not catch the winter home for
some years now , I can not say that I missed it, coldness and snow that creates practical difficulties are not pluses in my world . I went with a direct train from Constanta to Brasov , and admit that the trip was comfy and surprisingly we arrived on time. Brasov was just as nice and clean as always, but being in Romania its hard to hide some facts. At the train station area, when you arrive you are greeted by some nice guys who offer you a cab that has triple fares. The atmosphere around the station is typical of our country with all sorts of shady characters colorful , maybe not as problematic and unsafe as in Constanta but anyway . We got into a normal taxi and we arrived rapidly At Piata Sfatului Square ( the ride should not exceed 8 lei from the station) , the square was a bustle of people , tourists of different nations , the temperature somewhere to -1 , but that does not prevent people to stand outside at the terraces with the sun , especially since there was no wind . Instead the rude boys at Zu Radio have slammed right into the middle of the square a big advertisment I LOVE RADIO ZU written in blue letters bigger people that simply ruin any photograph taken of the market from any angle ….. RADIO ZU are peasants !
After leaving our luggages at the villa where stayed for the third time , we ran in Poiana Brasov. If down in the city the snow started to melt , up the slope was ok , very good for skiing . A pair of skis can be rented from stores for 40 lei for the whole day , and if you want to use the ski cable climb facility , you will pay around 25 lei for 5 ascents . From Poaiana Brasov you can take the cable car that goes up to the top of Postavaru mountain , though it has only 1800 meters high offers some magnificent views on the rest of the cities of Brasov and Prahova Valley area , in the background Seeing other mountains. I was lucky that I got a day without fog or clouds . The cable car costs about 35 lei for a return trip , but I saw that most people just use it for ascending , descending skiing or snowboarding on the slopes below …. niceeeeee .
Tired of skiing, we went to the famous restaurant “Sura Dacilor” where to be honest I left with a bitter taste. There was pretty good food , game meat was okay, but the service and ridiculous prices are simply not worth it . Bonus: in the elegant restaurant sometimes homeless people come in and ask for money at each table.
In the evening we went back to town , where we took to as many clubs and bars possible , in Brasov there are many many places to enjoy the night life. I noticed there are plenty of places where is played old music , including Studio 80 , New Oldies and more , honestly I dont like that type of music music but the atmosphere inside makes it worthwhile , though a little weird to see women with same age as my mother dancing in the club 🙂 There are many places in this town , for all tastes, ages and budgets , and it’s nice to get from one place and enter the next hallway in another place or in a basement with arched ceiling or the floor on a old ladder . At 4 am I just can not you believe how many people on the street are wandering between pubs . It looks like Thursday and Friday evenings are more suited to go out , youth and residents feel much better than Saturday night when the city gets filled with tourists, rude people and apparently gays.
Unfortunately towards the end of the weekend about all the snow was gone, even up on the slopes few remained . And like any trip in Romania there had to be some bad parts , not wanting to wait for the evening train we opted for an alternative bus to Bucharest , to get a faster connection there. Being with little sleep time in the last 3 days , I felt aslept instantly when we got on the bus , waking up after about 2 hours I was astonished to find my self only in Azuga ( about 30 km distance) , against the endless column of cars, , the traffic police are lacking in the landscape . Sitting in traffic besides the rail tracks seeing how many trains fly by . After arriving in Bucharest 3:30 hours later with and numb feet ( there was no stopping on the way) , I decided to take the train to Constanta, the same train that we initially intended to take for the first time from Brasov but leave later, however the nice lady from the ticket office omitted to tell us that the train coming from Brasov and continues on to Constanta has a small delay of 65 minutes due to “a small fault ” small details apparently , so basicly we covered 300 km in about 3 hours…. . Over all a nice trip , with good experiences , i cant wait for the next one 😀
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