Garcia Calavera

Busan – Korea quick stop

[for English version scroll down below photos]

Intamplarea a facut sa ajung mai devreme decat eram programat acasa ,  a fost un voiaj scurt in care nu am apucat sa vad prea multe dar am prins totusi inainte de imbarcare o noapte in Busan , principalul port al Koreei (aia de Sud , nu aia naspa din Nord).

Dupa cum spuneam mai devreme , Busan sau Pusan este al doilea oras ca marime din Korea dupa capitala Seoul , si cel mai mare port al tarii , precum si unul din cele mai aglomerate porturi de containere din lume. Complexul Busan New Port  , un port nou artificial aflat in imediata vecinatate a legaturii rutiere subacvatice Busan Goeje este o adevarata capodopera inginereasca. Ca sa va explic un pic , in momentul cand intram cu nava in port treceam pe deasupra la o autostrada submarina , autostrada  care dupa ce revenea deasupra marii se continua intr-un imens pod hobanat.

Atmosfera in Korea seamana foarte mult cu Japonia , tara este foarte dezvoltata si populatia destul de “inghesuita” , autostrazi , pasaje sub si supraterane  sunt ceva normal acolo , la fel ca si cladirile inalte. Toata lumea este obsedata si legata de tableta sau smarthponeul din buzunar navigand pe retele 4G  , pe strazi este o curatenie impecabila , imfractiunile sunt la un nivel minim  iar exporturile generate de  corporatii ca Samsung , LG , Hyundai , Kia , care construiesc orice de la telefoane mobile la autostrazi si  zgarienori si Daewoo , care construiesc  mai mult de jumate din toate navele noi din lume asigura salarii bune si un trai ridicat in toata tara. Am vazut pe strazi niste modele de la Hyundai si Kia care nu se gasesc in Europa , modele care arata incredibil si au perfomante demne de concurenta cu Toyota sau Honda , si nu inteleg de ce nu le baga si la noi . Am apucat destul de putin timp in oras , si am vazut renumita TEXAS Street , unde spre surprinderea si dezamagirea mea am dat de multe magazine de tip bazar si multe cafenele/restaurante cu insemne in chirilica in limba rusa , si de multi ……rusi.

Am gasit totusi un restaurant cu specific korean , foarte interesant , unde iti faceai singur carnea la gratar , iar gratarele cu carbuni incinsi  erau  inauntru restaurantului incorporate in masa , avand la fiecare masa o hota foarte eficienta care nu permitea fumului sa se imprastie in restaurant. Cred ca nu  trebuie sa specific ca mancarea si salatele picante ce o insoteau erau bestiale 🙂 Am vazut in trecere si gara ultra moderna a orasului , metroul noul construit si faleza.  Ar merita o sedere de cateva zile in oras , mai ales ca la doar cativa kilometri de localitate incepe zona turistica , unde sunt niste plaje exotice de vis. Atentie totusi , fiind o tara dezvoltata si preturile sunt pe masura , dar in comparatie cu vecinii japonezi sunt inca ok , o seara la un hotel micut decent ajunge la vreo 50 de dolari , o bere la un bar decent 3-4 dolari , benzina si taxiul  sunt cam ca  la noi , mancarea ceva mai ieftina , electronicele mai ieftine ca la noi clar , dar totusi destul de piperate. Enjoy the pics.

Daca ti-a placut articolul , iti recomand si unul din celalte articole despre calatorit din lista de mai jos si Vezi de asemenea si pagina de Fb  , care daca va place ii puteti da un like.

Vezi si alte calatorii / Check out other trips : Vacanta PragaVacanta MadridDoua zile in Jacksonville USAParalia – Grecia cu masinaBrasov 12.2014Buzau quick stopLepsa & Vrancea countyChisinauNesebarBucharest weekends 2014 , Busan40 de zile in Cluj NapocaHunedoara CastleSingapore 2013Brasov 02.2014 , Istanbul 01.2014 , Cluj Napoca 08.2013 , Sibiu 07.2013San Pedro , Bucharest 2013 , Varna 2012 , Los Angeles 2012 , Budapest & Viena , Salerno , Cluj Napoca 2012 , Firenze , Brasov 02.2012 , Amsterdam , Antofagasta , Valencia , Lima , Bremen , Istanbul 2009 , Valletta , San Juan , Barcelona , Singapore 2010 , Los Angeles 2010 , Transilvania road trip , La Spezia , Bosphor by ship , Sydney , Melbourne , AucklandSan FranciscoTauranga

Alternative tourism: Detroit , Georgia , Burning gate of Turkmenistan , North Korea , Pripyat & the alienation zone   , Nouadhibou graveyard

Cum traieste cealalta jumatate / How the other half lives :  KarachiGuayaquil  , Lagos


It so happened that I arrived  home earlier than I was scheduled , it was a short contract where I did not get to see too much but at least I caught before boarding a night in Busan, Korea’s main port ( South Korea , not commie North ) .

As I said earlier, Busan is the second largest city in Korea after the capital  Seoul and the largest port of the country , and one of the busiest container ports in the world. The complex  of Busan New Port, a new artificial port located close to the underwater  road  link at  Goeje Busan is a real masterpiece of engineering . To explain a bit, when we enter the port  the ship is passing over  a 4 lane highway submerged  underwater , and this highway   it resurfaces continues into a huge suspension cable bridge .

The atmosphere in Korea is very much like Japan , the country is highly developed , highways , passages under and above ground are normal there, just like tall buildings . Everyone is obsessed and constantly connected on their tablet or or surfing on their smartphones on the  4G  networks. You will find amost everywhere  spotless streets . The country’s  exports generated by corporations like Samsung, LG , Hyundai, Kia , who build everything from mobile phones to highways and skyscrapers  and Daewoo , a company that  builds more than half of all new ships in the world provide high wages and good  living  standards all over the country . I saw on the streets some models from Hyundai and Kia that are not available  in Europe , and and I must say that these models  look incredible and are quite performant worthy of competing with Toyota or Honda . I spent a short time in the city, and saw the famous TEXAS Street , where I was surprised and dissapointed to   see  many bazaar stores and many cafes / restaurants with signs in Russian Cyrillic , and also many …… Russians.

We found however a nice Korean restaurant , with a very interesting concept  , where you grill by your self the meat and  the grills with hot coals  are inside the restaurant  incorporated into the table and above each table there is  a highly effective hood which prevents  smoke to spread in the restaurant. This meat together with the local  spicy  salads and food are heavenly 🙂  It would be worth to spend  a few days  in the city , especially since at only  a few kilometers from the city  starts a lovely tourist area, with great tropical open beaches . Caution , however , is a developed country and prices are as adequate , but compared to it’s Japanese neighbors are still ok , an evening at a decent little hotel costs about 50-6o  dollars , to drink  a decent beer in a decent bar 3-4 dollars, gasoline and taxis are about same like  us, food is some what cheaper  , electronics cheaper than in Europe  , but still pretty steep . Enjoy the pics.

Check out also my fb page Fb  , where if you like what you see you can hit the like button.

Check out other trips: First 48 days in Marseille FranceRomania road trip across the country in 7 days , Budapest Hungary road tripPrague – dream vacationExcursion Dobrogea: Enisala, Ibida, HistriaVacation Madrid SpainTwo days in Jacksonville USAParalia – Greece road tripBrasov 12.2014Buzau quick stopLepsa & Vrancea countyChisinau city breakNessebar BulgariaBucharest weekends 2014 , Busan Korea40 days in Cluj NapocaHunedoara CastleSingapore 2013Brasov 02.2014 , Istanbul 01.2014 , Cluj Napoca 08.2013 , Sibiu 07.2013San Pedro-Ivory Coast , Bucharest 2013 , Varna 2012 , Los Angeles 2012 , Budapest & Viena trip , Salerno Italy , Cluj Napoca 2012 , Florence Italy , Brasov 02.2012 , Amsterdam , Antofagasta-Chile, Valencia Spain , Lima-Peru , Bremen Germany , Istanbul 2009 , Valletta Malta , San Juan-Puerto Rico , Barcelona Spain , Singapore 2010 , Los Angeles 2010 , Transilvania road trip , La Spezia , Bosphorus by ship , Sydney , Melbourne Australia , Auckland New ZealandSan Francisco USATauranga NZ

Alternative tourism: Detroit , Georgia , Burning gate of Turkmenistan , North Korea , Pripyat & the alienation zone   , Nouadhibou graveyard

How the other half lives :  KarachiGuayaquil  , Lagos

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