Garcia Calavera

Corvin Castle of Hunedoara Review

[English version below]

Castelul Corvinilor sau al Huniazilor , localizat in Hunedoara ,  este unul din cele mai mari si impresionante castele din Romania , si cel mai bine conservat din categoria monumentelor construite in stil Gotic.  El a fost construit in secolul 15 de Iancu de Hunedoara , dar in timp a fost extins , modificat , reconstruit si pana nu de mult lasat in paragina , fiind intr-o renovare ce continua si astazi. Din cauza acestei renovari , o mare bucata din castel din pacate nu poate fi vizitata , si desi castelul in sine este foarte frumos , interioarele sunt destul de goale , mobilierul cazand prada distrugerii sau ajungand in mainile altor muzee dupa cum a povestit unul din angajati. Foarte admirabile Sala Cavalerilor si Sala mesei , 2 sali  mari de receptii  cu coloane ce sustin un acoperis segmentat cu arce frante in stilul gotic specific ,  capela castelului , palatul nou dar si turnurile defensive ce privesc peste tot orasul si peste podul de lemn ce asigura accesul catre castel. Pentru o excursie de zi este ok , mai ales ca acum exista autostrada in zona , dar din pacate dupa ce ati vazut castelul veti fi nevoit sa plecati , orasul Hunedoara nu are altceva de oferit turistior. Enjoy the pics.


Corvin Castle or Huniazilor , located in Hunedoara , is one of the largest and most impressive castles in Romania , and the best preserved monument of Gothic style . It was built in the 15th century by Iancu of Hunedoara , but in time was extended, modified , rebuilt and not so long time ago  left to decay , being in a renovation that continues today . Due to this renovation, a large part of the castle unfortunately can not be visited , and although the castle itself is very nice , the interiors are quite empty , furniture and weapons falling prey to destruction or other museums as one of the employees told us. Very admirable the Knights Hall , a large hall used  for receptions with columns supporting a roof segmented with Gothic broken arches broken , the chapel of the castle , the new palace and the  defensive towers that overlook the city and over the wooden bridge that provides access to the castle. For a day trip is ok , especially now that there is a motorway in the area, but unfortunately after you have seen the castle will be forced to leave the city since  Hunedoara has nothing to offer tourists . Enjoy the pics.

Daca ti-a placut articolul , iti recomand si unul din celalte articole despre calatorit din lista de mai jos si Vezi de asemenea si pagina de Fb  , care daca va place ii puteti da un like.

Vezi si alte calatorii / Check out other trips : Vacanta PragaVacanta MadridDoua zile in Jacksonville USAParalia – Grecia cu masinaBrasov 12.2014Buzau quick stopLepsa & Vrancea countyChisinauNesebarBucharest weekends 2014 , Busan40 de zile in Cluj NapocaHunedoara CastleSingapore 2013Brasov 02.2014 , Istanbul 01.2014 , Cluj Napoca 08.2013 , Sibiu 07.2013San Pedro , Bucharest 2013 , Varna 2012 , Los Angeles 2012 , Budapest & Viena , Salerno , Cluj Napoca 2012 , Firenze , Brasov 02.2012 , Amsterdam , Antofagasta , Valencia , Lima , Bremen , Istanbul 2009 , Valletta , San Juan , Barcelona , Singapore 2010 , Los Angeles 2010 , Transilvania road trip , La Spezia , Bosphor by ship , Sydney , Melbourne , AucklandSan FranciscoTauranga

Alternative tourism: Detroit , Georgia , Burning gate of Turkmenistan , North Korea , Pripyat & the alienation zone   , Nouadhibou graveyard

Cum traieste cealalta jumatate / How the other half lives :  KarachiGuayaquil  , Lagos


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