[english version below pictures]
Am aflat de curand de existenta primei linii maritime de pasageri ce face ruta Constanta – Varna – Odessa , nu stiu exact ordinea. Nava care face linia se numeste Krymskaya Strela si este un feribot de tip catamaran cu o capacitate de aproape 300 de pasageri si o viteza de croaziera de 28 noduri (52 km/h) , exista la bord un bar si bufet cu gustari.
Mai multe imformatii legate de orarul plecarilor , tarife si date despre nava se pot gasi pe site-ul firmei http://www.feribot.ro/index.php , in principal preturile variaza intre 95-130 EUR pentru o cursa dus intors spre Odessa , reduceri de 10-15 EUR pentru grupuri , studenti si marinari si undeva la 65 EUR pentru o cursa dus intors Constanta- Varna (se mai adauga ceva EUR daca vreti la Bussiness Class) , se pot planifica si curse intregi CTA- Varna – Odessa – CTA , si au chiar si o oferte de cazare in Odessa pentru a putea savura cum trebuie orasul si imprejurimile.
Aplaud initiativa celor de la Navlomar si asteptam si alte curse de genul , preferabil spre Istanbul sau Mediterana.
update: sorry guys da am inteles ca linia numai exista din pricina lipsei de clienti , criza alea alea , speram sa redeschida linia in zile mai bune
cam asa arata catamaranul/ pictures of the boat
I recently got aware of the existence of a new Maritime passenger route between the port cities of Constanta – Varna – Odessa. The ship it’s called Krymskaya Strela , a catamaran boat capable of tranporting 300 passengers with a speed of 28 Knods (aprox. 52 km/h) , there is also on board a bar and a snack buffet. You can get more information about the timetable of the departures and arrivals and also about the ship on the company’s website at http://www.feribot.ro/index.php (they have english version) . In principle the prices vary between 95-130 EUR for a 2 way course between Constanta and Odessa , they have special discounts for groups , students and seamen , and about 65 EUR for a 2 way course Constanta – Varna . Full circuits between Constanta Varna Odessa can be organized . The company also offers packages travel+hotel acomodation so you can fully enjoy the cities and they’re surroundings for a couple of days.
I congratulate the project from Navlomar and eagerly wait for more routes , hopefully towards Istanbul or the Mediteranean
update: sorry guys but i understood the line is now closed due to the lack of passengers and the financial crisis , i hope they will reopen it soon
foarte tare
super tare ,sunt curse si iarna?
Hi there, You have done an excellent job. I will certainly digg it and personally suggest to my friends. I’m sure they’ll be benefited from this site.
check out this new ship service which is active http://xenioncalavera.wordpress.com/2011/07/31/constanta-odessa-istambul-constanta-cu-velierul-pe-durata-verii-durring-summer-time/
buna ziua! Spuneti-mi ,va rog, daca e posibil de urcat pe feribot cu masina si cat costa un bilet de la Varna pana la Odessa si daca copii au reduceri?
Daca faceau pretul cursei 1000 sau 1500 € probabil ca nu trebuiau sa inchida din lipsa de clienti.
Cred ca clientilor li s-a parut biletul prea ieftin si de aceea nu s-au prea inghesuit.