English version below pictures
Florenta sau Firenze , capitala regiunii Toscane este simbolul renasterii , un oras medieval foarte bine prezervat sinonim cu frumusete , arhitectura , moda si asociat cu nume ca Medici si Leonardo da Vinci. Am apucat sa petrec doar cateva ore in locul asta frumos dar se pare ca nu iti trebuie mai mult de atat ca sa vezi tot ce e important , adica un day trip ar trebui sa fie suficient pentru a vedea obiectivele turistice , orasul nu este chiar cunoscut si pentru viata de noapte iar muntii si plaja sunt departe, desi daca esti pasionat de fotografie probabil nici o saptamana nu ar fi de ajuns. In Italia este printre primele obiective turistice unde nu iti va parea rau ca ai fost.
Dar din pacate pentru ca este in Italia sunt si romani ….multi. Pe langa toate obiectivele turistice si in toate piatetele veti gasi niste gherete in stilul bazar tiganesc populate de ai nostri concetateni care vor sa iti vanda toate kkturile pe post de suveniruri (la un pret supraexagerat bineinteles) , acele gherete umplute cu brelocuri , posete , fulare si alte tampenii de multe ori chiar strica tot peisajul. Un alt minus specific oraselor turistice … totul e exagerat de scump , localnicii isi au bine ascunse localurile lor unde berea nu costa aproape 10 EUR si o pizza 20.
Florence Italy Florence Italy Florence Italy Florence Italy Florenta Italia Florenta Italia Florenta Italia Florenta Italia
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Florence or Firenze, the capital of Tuscany is the symbol of rebirth, a very wellpreserved medieval town synonymous with beauty, architecture, fashion and associated with names like Medici and Leonardo da Vinci. I got to spend a few hours in this beautiful place but it seems that you don’t need more than that to see what’s important, that a day trip would be enough to see the sights, the city is not known for its nightlife and the mountains and beach are far away, though if you are passionate about photography even a week would probably not be enough for you.In Italy Florence is a must see among the top tourist attractions , a place you surely won’t regret visiting.But unfortunately because it is in Italy there are romanians …. a lot of them. Near all the sights and in all the plazas you will find some cheap wooden stalls (gypsy style) populated by my fellow citizens who want to sell you all kind of shit as souvenirs (at a ridiculous price ofcourse), those stalls filled with trinkets, purses, scarves and other stupid things often ruin the medieval setting. Another drawback specific to tourist towns … everything is overpriced, local people keep they’re entertainment places well hidden, places where beer doesn’t cost 10 euros and a pizza 20.