Garcia Calavera

Lima – Peru review

[English version  – scroll down below pictures]

Lima , capitala Perului si cel mai mare si mai important oras al tarii , cu 7 milioane de locuitori este un loc plin de istorie dar si de constraste urbane moderne. Unul din cele mai vechi orase intemeiate de spanioli pe continentul american , Lima era pe timpul imperiului spaniol al doilea oras colonial ca importanta dupa Ciudad de Mexico si la un moment dat cel mai bogat de pe continent datorita fluxului constant de aur si alte minereuri pretioase extrase din muntii tarii.

Astazi centrul splendid istoric al orasului este in patrimoniul Unesco dar ca si la noi guvernul lor nu prea isi bate capul cu renovarile si provarea turistica si multe imobile dau sa cada. De altfel cu exceptia a cateva zone comerciale si rezidentiale cam tot orasul este subdezvoltat , transportul in comun este in principal maxi taxiul urmand abia in 2012 deschiderea primei linii de metrou , astfel ca in multe zone nu prea e deloc indicat sa mergi singur pe strada noaptea. Astfel dai de peisaje de genul zgarienori in departare cu colibe in planul apropiat.

Una din exceptiile orasului este zona Miraflores , un district costier unde stau cei mai bogati oameni din tara si unde vin sa stea toti oamenii de afaceri si turistii care se respecta , astfel mergand prin cartierele sarace treci brusc la o superba sosea de coasta cu plaje incredibile iar sus pe faleza inalta cladiri noi , sosele curate , lume in majoritate alba si multe multe fete frumoase , adica aici stau stranepotii colonistilor spanioli care nu s-au amestecat cu nativii si care si azi conduc tara (in general peruancele nus cine stie ce). Un oras foarte interesat de vizitat cu lume foarte de treaba , mai ales daca sti spaniola si nu scrie turist pe fruntea ta te ajuta fara sa aibe nici o pretentie si destul de ieftin , adica am mers cu taxiul vreo 30 kilometri din port prin oras imvartit , nea asteptat omul vreo 3 ore si nea dus si inapoi si a cerut doar 30 de dolari , berea e 1-2 dolari americani in functie de bar , ce e de cacat e ca nu se fumeaza in baruri sau spatii inchise dar merge.

plaza San Martin , where Peru with the help of newly formed Argentina  declared it’s Independence from Spain

plaza de armas , the main square of the old city , here you can find the Cathedral  of Lima , the national Bank and the presidential palace

Lima Peru
Plaza des Armas Lima

main pedestrian shopping street

approaching Miraflores

Lima Peru

Miraflores district

Miraflores Lima
Miraflores – Lima
Lima Peru

Vezi si alte calatorii:

Vezi si alte articole despre viata in strainatate:

[English version]

Lima, Peru’s capital and largest and most important city of the country , with 7 million inhabitants it’s a place full of history but also modern of urban contrasts. One of the oldest cities founded by the Spanish in the Americas, Lima was the second most important city in Spanish empire  second only to Mexico City and at one time the richest on the continent due to the constant flow of gold and other precious minerals extracted from the Mountains of the country. Today the historic center of town is in UNESCO  but like Romania , their government does not really bother with  renovation and tourism and many buildings stand on the brink of collapse. In fact except for some commercial and residential areas , the whole city is underdeveloped, main public transport is the dollar van , and barely in 2012 follows the opening of the first metro line, so that not too many areas at all are advisable to go alone on the street at night. So you will find  landscapes of skyscrapers in the distance and huts in the foreground. One of the exceptions is the city of Miraflores, a coastal district where  the richest people in the country live and where all the business man and tourists come to stay, so driving through poor neighborhoods the ugly  view suddenly transformes in to a  beautiful coastal road with stunning beaches and on the high cliff above the new buildings,clean roads, mostly Caucasian people and many beautiful girls, that there are great grandchildren of Spanish colonists who were not mixed with the natives and who now runs the country . A city very interesting to  visit. The people are very nice, especially if you know Spanish and you don’t look like a tourist , they will help you without any claim. Also it’s quite cheap, I went by taxi about 30 kilometers from the city port and around , the drive waited about 3 hours and then drove us back and asked  only $ 30, beer is  $ 1-2 depending on the bar, what sucks is that there is no smoking inside bars but what to do.

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