english version bellow the pics
Australia a doua tara care am avut prilejul sa o vizitez in ultimul voiaj ,este o tara continent cu populatia Romaniei , majoritatea raspandita in cateva orase mari , Melbourne fiind al doilea ca marime si importanta. Nivelul de trai in acest oras este foate ridicat , orasul Melbourne fiind un exemplu foarte bun al standardelor ridicate la care sunt obisnuiti australienii. Asemenea tarii vecine Noua Zeelanda , tara este o fosta colonie britanica , majoritatea populatiei fiind britanici cu un procent destul de mare de asiatici si africani recent imigrati. Gradul de civilizatie l-am mai intalnit doar in Auckland , cam tot in oras fiind foarte curat ,nou , intretinut ..etc etc ce n- sa vezi pe la noi si chiar si in vestul europei mai pe scurt , de altfel ca dovada a economiei puternice pe care o are tara este dolarul australian care sta la acelasi nivel cu cel american , uneori chiar depasind-ul , ca sa numai vorbim de fenomenul “criza” care tinde sa fie absent in zona.
Melbourne cunoscut si ca orasul tramvaielor datorita numeroaselor linii care il strabat imbina intr-un mod foarte frumos arhitectura britanica cu cea moderna , cladirile monumente istorice stand langa cei mai inalti zgarienori din emisfera sudica , malluri uriase stau foarte frumos sub parcuri iar parcarile multietajate se imbina foarte frumos printre turnuri rezidentiale. Fluviul Yarra , unul din putinele ale tarii despica centrul financiar si comercial de restul suburbiilor , faleza acestuia amenajata traficului pietonal oferind unele din cele mai frumoase privelisti urbane.
Spre deosebire de Noua Zeelanda , aici lumea numai este asa de treaba , se pare ca si-au pastrat mai mult pe aici din aroganta englezeasca care ii face sa creada ca sunt mai buni ca restul , imigrantii care cer sau si-au primit deja cetatenie fiind un mare ghimpe pentru nativi din cate am inteles din putinele discutii cu muncitorii din port.
Si pentru ca tot ce e frumos costa si aici totul este scump , un pachet de Kent costand 12,8 dolari (damnnnnnn) , o bere cam tot atat la un pub, vreo 2 ore intr-un asemenea local usurandu-ti lejer buzunarul de 50-60 de dolari. Any way ii inteleg pe cei care se chinuie sa-si ia cetatenia in aceasta tara , nivelul de trai , salariile oferite chiar si celor fara facultate fiind departe de se ofera prin alte parti. Am cunoscut chiar si o romana din moldova stabilita acolo care in cuvintele ei “Nu mi se pare chiar paradisul pe Pamant dar am fost prin multe locuri si aici mi se pare cel mai bine de locuit” , femeia avea un sot australian si lucra la supermarket.
Daca ti-a placut articolul , iti recomand si unul din celalte articole despre calatorii din lista de mai jos si Vezi de asemenea si pagina de Fb GarciaCalavera.ro , care daca va place ii puteti da un like.
Vezi si alte calatorii / Check out other trips: Circuit Romania – 7 zile cu masina, Budapesta cu masina , Praga – vacanta de vis , Excursie Dobrogea: Enisala, Ibida, Histria , Vacanta Madrid , Doua zile in Jacksonville USA, Paralia – Grecia cu masina, Brasov 12.2014 , Buzau quick stop , Lepsa & Vrancea county , Chisinau , Nesebar , Bucharest weekends 2014 , Busan , 40 de zile in Cluj Napoca , Hunedoara Castle ; Singapore 2013 , Brasov 02.2014 , Istanbul 01.2014 , Cluj Napoca 08.2013 , Sibiu 07.2013 , San Pedro-Africa , Bucharest 2013 , Varna 2012 , Los Angeles 2012 , Budapest & Viena , Salerno , Cluj Napoca 2012 , Florenta , Brasov 02.2012 , Amsterdam , Antofagasta-Chile, Valencia , Lima-Peru , Bremen , Istanbul 2009 , Valletta , San Juan-Puerto Rico , Barcelona , Singapore 2010 , Los Angeles 2010 , Transilvania road trip , La Spezia , Bosphor by ship , Sydney , Melbourne , Auckland , San Francisco , Tauranga
Alternative tourism: Detroit , Georgia , Burning gate of Turkmenistan , North Korea , Pripyat & the alienation zone , Nouadhibou graveyard
Cum traieste cealalta jumatate / How the other half lives : Karachi , Guayaquil , Lagos
uitati si un tur foto / photo tour:
gara noua / the new train station
prin zona centrala a orasului / downtown area
un chevrolet corvette din 1958 aflat la receptia de la Gentlemans automobile club
pedestrian shopping street
catedrala Sfantul Paul
gara veche cu turnul Eureka – cel mai inalt turn din Australia / old train station vs Eureka tower , the tallest in Australia
biblioteca nationala / national library
view towards financial center & Melbourne metro
Yarra river
multilevel parking
vedere de la baza turnului Eureka tower / view from the base of Eureka tower
si vederea de la ultimul etaj / and the view from the top floor
Vezi alte calatorii / other trips : Brasov 02.2014 , Istanbul 01.2014 , Cluj Napoca 08.2013 , Sibiu 07.2013 , San Pedro , Bucharest 2013 , Varna 2012 , Los Angeles 2012 , Budapest & Viena , Salerno , Cluj Napoca 2012 , Firenze , Brasov 02.2012 , Amsterdam , Antofagasta , Valencia , Lima , Bremen , Istanbul 2009 , Valletta , San Juan , Barcelona , Singapore 2010 , Los Angeles 2010 , Transilvania road trip , La Spezia , Bosphor by ship , Sydney , Melborune , Auckland , San Francisco , Tauranga
Alternative tourism: Georgia , Burning gate of Turkmenistan , North Korea , Chernobyl , Nouadhibou graveyard
In cealalta jumatate / How the other half lives : Guayaquil , Lagos
Australia the second country that I had the opportunity to visit in my last voyage, a continent country with Romania’s population (20 mil), most of which is concentrated in a few cities, Melbourne is the second largest by size and importance. Standards of living in this city are very high, Melbourne city is a great example of the high standards to which Australians are accustomed. Like neighboring country New Zeeland, the country is a former British colony, most people of British descent but there is a fairly large percentage of Asian and African immigrants recently. The degree of civilization i met only in Auckland, almost everything in town is very clean, new, maintened etc etc. .. what you don’t see in Romania and rarely see in western Europe for that matter , otherwise proof of the strong economy Australia has , not to mention the Australian dollar is standing at the same level as the American version , sometimes even surpassing it, to hole “crisis” phenomenon tends to be absent in the area.
Melbourne also known as the city of trams because of the many lines it has combines a very nice and modern British architecture, historical buildings stand beside the highest skyscrapers in the southern hemisphere, huge malls are under beautiful parks and multilevel parking buildings blend in very nice along residential towers. Yarra River, one of the country’s few , splits the financial and commercial center from the rest of the suburbs,its pedestrian promenade provides some of the most beautiful urban landscapes.
Unlike New Zeeland, the people here are not so nice, it seems that here more of the British arrogance has been preserved that makes them think they are better than the rest, immigrants who require or already have received citizenship seem to be a big thorn for natives as I understand from the few talks with port workers.
And because everything here is beautiful , everything is expensive also, a pack of Kent cigarettes costing $ 12.8 (damnnnnnn), about as much for a beer in a pub, 2 hours in such a place leaving your pocket with a gap of 50-60 dollars. Any Way , i understand those who struggle to take their citizenship in this country,the living standards, even the salaries offered to those who have only a high school education are considerably higher than other countries . I even met a Romanian from Moldova region who settled there and in her words “It does not seem like paradise on earth but I have been through many places and here it seems to be the best place to live”, she has an Australian husband and works at the supermarket.
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