Din pacate numarul celor care isi iau teapa in Anglia este in continuare foarte mare. Acesti tepari profita de naivitatea si disperarea Romanilor plecati in UK, si de multe ori te lasa nu doar fara bani, dar si cu informatiile personale furate si vandute mai departe altora. Aceste informatii pot
Continue readingTag: Brexit
Cat costa o casa in Anglia? Londra si Sud versus Nordul tarii
How much does a house cost in England? London & South vs the North – ENGLISH Article here Desi unii Romani au ales sa se intoarca in tara (vedeti aici povestile celor intorsi din Anglia in Romania), am observat ca multi Romani in Anglia trag tare sa isi ia casa
Continue readingHow to change your EU driving license to a UK Driving license
For EU expats established in England UK, the act of changing their driving license in to an English or British one, is often a mandatory step due to work requirements. Possession of a British UK driving license is also the first and easiest way to obtain proof of residence with
Continue readingWhich country is better to live in: UK or France? Why?
So the eternal question and rivalry on the old continent: Which country is better: England, UK or France? Well, I lived in Marseille France, and than I moved to Hull, England, UK. It’s hard to say which is better to live in, and depends a lot on what language you speak
Continue readingWhat do the Romanians in the UK think about Brexit, their lives here and if it’s still worth coming here
Romanians in the UK and Brexit, feel like this is the only thing I have been hearing over the news for over year now. Officially the United Kingdom left the European Union on the 1st of February 2020, but we have a transition period until the 1st of January 2021.
Continue readingUK NINO – How to get it and how long does it take to get it?
I notice that this is a wanted topic and in spite of Brexit (which apparently will not be happening), the world still wants to come here. NINO is the equivalent of our Social Security Number, and without it, you basically do not exist in the UK (England, Scotland, or Northern
Continue readingUK NINO – cum se face si cat dureaza?
UK NINO – How to get it and how long does it take to get it? ENGLISH Article Observ ca e un topic cautat si in ciuda la Brexit (care se pare ca nu va mai fi), lumea inca vrea sa vina aici. NINO este echivalentul la CNP-ul nostru, si
Continue readingUK Immigration: How much does it cost to relocate to England?
So you are thinking of coming to England and UK Immigration? Well if Brexit didn’t scare you off, here is a guide and a detailed list of expenses from my experience coming here. By the way, from the looks of it, as far as EU citizens are concerned there is
Continue readingEmigrare in Anglia: Cat te costa sa te muti din Romania in Anglia?
UK IMMIGRATION: HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO RELOCATE TO ENGLAND? ENGLISH VERSION HERE Te gandesti la emigrare in Anglia? Nu te-a speriat brexit-ul inca? Te-ai saturat de Romania, mai ai sperante si rezisti? Felicitari daca da! Sa-mi zici cand te dai batut. Eu unul m-am saturat sa tot astept
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