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… despre mine , ce pot sa zic , m-am apucat de blogging dupa primul voiaj , la sugestia unui amic de a imi impartasi experienta si pozele facute. Am vazut multe in timpul voiajelor si acum incerc la fiecare post de travel sa dau cat mai multe sfaturi practice pentru alti calatori. Acum numai navig si am emigrat in Marsilia, Franta unde am avut un nou capitol cu noi experiente si noi provocari. Franta totusi nu mi s-a parut un loc unde sa stai toata viata asa ca am mers mai departe in Anglia sa imi incerc norocul aici. Pana acum pare bine si frumos aici, dar aparentele pot fi inselatoare. Acum sunem stabiliti aici fara nici un plan de mutat, cel putin in viitorul apropiat. Mai departe om vedea ce va urma in viitor.
Asa ca va urez si voua cititorilor calatorii usoare. Conationalilor le pot doar ura zile cat mai putin stresante in Romania, iar conationalilor din Anglia sau celor care se gandesc sa plece din Romania sper ca le sunt de ajutor articolele mele despre viata in strainatate.
What can i say , I started my first blog after my first sea voyage , when one my friends suggested I share and talk about my experiences. After sailing for 7 years on the seven seas and seeing pretty much all the world that is accessible by a ship, I try now to give as much practical advice to fellow travelers and fellow seafarers as possible.
I moved on to an office position in France to enjoy a new life filled with new challenges and benefits. It turns out that France is not the ideal place to live for me, so I moved on to greener pastures in England to try my luck. So far it seems nice and good here, but appearances are deceiving.
I hope I will keep traveling and see as much as possible of the world before I finally settle down somewhere. So I wish to all of you, my readers: safe and enjoyable trips.
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